Terms & conditions of sales


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are offered by the company Saint Christopher Investments SARL registered in the Annecy Trade and Companies Register under number 839 883 428, represented by Mr SMITH, whose registered office is located at 99, chemin de la pierre plate 74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France .


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTC) apply to the reservation made by the Customer. These T&Cs are available to Customers on our website. Any reservation therefore implies on the part of the Customer full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.


For all Customers, the reserved chalet is made available from 5 p.m. on the day of arrival. It must be vacated no later than 11 a.m. on the day of departure, including the time to perform the inventory. Any exceeding of this period may result in the invoicing of an additional night at the public rate displayed for the corresponding period.

1/ The reservation is made

Via our website via a form. This method of reservation is subject to a second step, which is contact by the Hotel via e-mail and then of a confirmation of reservation.

The Customer can also call us on the fixed line appearing on our website to initiate the reservation but its finalization will necessarily pass by exchange of electronic messages.

If the reservation is made on the sites of our partners, no confirmation from the Hotel is sent to the customer.

2/ For the reservation to be definitive

The customer must pay a deposit, i.e. 30% of the total amount of the stay (excluding tourist tax), when booking, by bank transfer and return the signed rental contract to us with the mention “Good for agreement ”, by e-mail or by post.

Exceptions made for reservations made through our partners, who have their own terms and conditions.

– For last minute reservations, i.e. less than 9 days before the arrival date, the customer must pay 100% of the total amount of the stay (excluding tourist tax) when booking.

– If the reservation is made on the hotel’s website, the Hotelier contacts the Customer by email or telephone to settle the deposit or the total amount of the reservation, depending on the deadline.

– If the reservation is made directly with one of our partners, the latter sends the Hotel a written confirmation of the reservation with the Customer’s information without payment of a deposit or transmission of bank card details.

3/ When booking the chalet

A specific contract is drawn up by the Hotelier for the Customer. Even if this contract prevails over the T&Cs by the specificities linked to the Customer’s reservation, it remains an inseparable element of the T&Cs. In all cases, the organization of the reservation (this Article), the terms of payment (Section Terms of Payment), as well as the conditions for canceling the reservation (Cancellation Section) are defined in the contract signed by the Customer. and the Hotelier, and if this is not the case, the conditions are then the same as those applied to individuals and cited in these GCS.

Exceptions made for reservations made on the sites of our partners.

4/ Extra services

At the Customer’s request, the hotelier undertakes to provide by email all additional information concerning the said services and thus to draw up an estimate when the details of the desired services are communicated by the Customer.

All extra services offered by the Hotel are governed by the conditions of sale of the service providers concerned.


The Customer is invited to pay the greatest attention to the cancellation conditions defined below, which apply only to customers whose reservation goes through our website.

1/ Are considered as cancellation

– The change of dates of the reservation,

– Failure to pay the contractual deposit, the remainder payable or the security deposit,

– The oral or written warning of the non-arrival of the Customer for personal reasons,

– The non-arrival of the Client without warning,

– Breach of the rules of the Chamonix Cottage hotel.

2/ Reservation cancellation requests

They must be written and sent by post with acknowledgment of receipt to the address of the Chamonix Cottage hotel and accepted by the latter which, however, may refuse the request for modification of the services without any reason. In the absence of written acceptance from the establishment, the reservation is maintained under the initial terms and the Hotel cannot be sought for payment of any compensation.

3/ Any stay reserved or started at the Hotel is due in full in accordance with the reservation made by the Customer. No reduction or discount will be made in the event of non-arrival or early departure, at the Customer’s initiative, for whatever reason (except exclusions below).

4/ Cancellation deadlines

If the cancellation is made more than 30 days before the start of the stay, all the deposits paid are returned to the Customer.

From 30 days to 9 days before the start date of the stay, the deposit is kept by the hotelier and definitively lost for the Customer.

From 8 days before the date of arrival, the total amount of the reservation (deposit + remainder payable) will be retained by the hotelier.

5/ Exclusions to the application of the cancellation conditions

– Death of a family member: a death certificate and proof of the relationship must be provided,

– Hospitalization of the client: a certificate of admission from the hospital specifying the reason for the admission must be provided,

6/ Extra services

The cancellation of a reservation of extra services, offered by a third party, will be made according to the cancellation conditions applied by the latter. Fees may therefore be added.


In the event of non-availability of the establishment, in the event of war, natural disaster or a technical problem in the Hotel or for any other reason, the latter reserves the right to have Customers accommodated in whole or in part in a Hotel of the equivalent for services of the same nature. The Hotel cannot be sought for payment of any additional compensation.


The rates are expressed in Euros including taxes and are indicated before and during the reservation. The applicable rates are those in effect on the day the reservation is made. They vary according to the reservation period and may be modified in the event of legislative and/or regulatory changes likely to lead to price variations such as: modification of the applicable VAT rate, introduction of new taxes, inflation. The VAT rate applied is the rate in force on the date of invoicing.

As the chalet is rented in its entirety with free access to all these facilities, the price per night corresponds to the price for its total capacity. A reservation for a number of people less than its capacity would in no way modify the price.

The price of your stay will be confirmed on the booking form. When you have booked and paid the deposit (or the total amount if you book less than 9 days before the arrival date), the price of your reservation as indicated on your booking confirmation form is guaranteed.


Payment is to be made in the local currency of the country where the hotel is located. Bank charges remain the responsibility of the customer.

1/ Deposit

They must be paid remotely by transfer directly to the bank account of the Hotel Chamonix Cottage.

2/ Remaining payable

It must be paid remotely no later than 9 days before the date of arrival, by bank transfer to the bank account of the Hotel Chamonix Cottage. An email will be sent to you a few days before to notify you. In the absence of payment within the time limit, the reservation will be considered canceled and the deposit already paid will be retained by the hotel.

3/ Extra services

Payment for services not included in the initial rental price of the chalet (extra services, alcohol) will be provided by the customer on the day of departure, by credit card or cash at the Chamonix Cottage hotel, depending on the services the Customer will have enjoyed throughout the duration of his stay.

For customers of foreign nationality, we will ask the customer for their passport when they arrive, which we will keep in our safe throughout the stay and which we will return on the day of departure.

4/ The security deposit

The security deposit is to be paid on the day of arrival by credit card, the sum is then blocked but not taken directly.

5/ The tourist tax

The tourist tax must be paid on site before departure, by credit card or cash. This is calculated at 0.80 Euros per night per adult (over 18)

Exceptions made for reservations made with our partners.

6/ Failure to pay

The security deposit may be withheld / deducted in the event of non-payment of extra services or tourist tax.

For customers of French or foreign nationality, in the absence of payment on the contractual due date, late payment penalties will be due the day after the due date of the invoice at the rate of 15%, applied to the total amount including tax of the Invoice. In addition, additional compensation may be applied to cover all the costs incurred in the event of litigation recovery. It is recalled here that any payment made after 60 days from the date of issue of the invoice is legally considered as an abusive practice and punishable by law.


It is specified that the Hotel does not have its own transport service and depends on the services of a service provider. It can therefore in no way be held responsible for problems related to the transport of Customers (delay, cancellation, etc.).


The Customer accepts and undertakes to use the chalet reasonably. Also, any behavior contrary to morality and public order will lead the Hotelier to ask the Customer to leave the establishment without any compensation and/or without any refund.

1/ Security deposit 

Upon taking possession, a security deposit of €5,000 is requested to cover any damage that may be caused to the rented property or to the objects within it. This deposit is returned after deducting the value of any damage and/or breaches. Depending on the nature of the damage, an invoice in addition to the deposit may be established.

On the day of arrival, it is the Customer’s responsibility to carry out the inventory of fixtures based on the document provided by the Hotel and to report any anomaly to the Hotelier before 11 a.m. the day after taking possession of the cottage by the Client. After this period, it will be considered that no dispute is to be made and that the document is therefore compliant and legitimate.

On the day of departure, a contradictory inventory is made, and the security deposit will be returned within 5 to 7 working days, if no damage or lack of equipment is found.

2/ Additional person:

The Customer undertakes not to bring additional people without the express authorization of the Hotelier, and not to sublet the accommodation. Otherwise, the Hotelier is authorized to refuse the rental of the chalet and to keep the deposit.

3/ Access to the jacuzzi, sauna, aerial terrace:

The Customer undertakes to be vigilant and to respect the safety instructions in the use of the aforementioned services; in addition, their use by minors is under the full responsibility of the parents or legal representatives.

4/ Customer responsibility

All guests are responsible for closing/locking doors/windows/Velux windows to the property in their absence. This also includes the fire place door. This must be kept continuesly closed and only opened to add wood. Any customer not following this procedure will be liable for any uninsured loss/damage resulting from such negligence.

Customers are required to close the parasols, cover the outdoor tables and chairs using the protections reserved for this purpose, in the event of absence or change in the weather (rain, storm, wind). Any degradation in connection with the non-respect of these instructions could engage the responsibility of the latter.

Ski equipment (boots or boards) must be stored nowhere else than in the dedicated room or outside, in the space provided for this purpose. In addition, customers are advised to pay attention to damages that may be caused by their shoes, for example, the customer will be responsible for any damage caused by shoes such as stilettos.

Two keys and two badges will be given to you on your arrival, once the security deposit has been taken. We ask that the same number of keys and badges provided be returned at the end of your stay. A fee will be charged to replace lost or unreturned keys/badges. This can be deducted from the security deposit.


We offer to provide customers with a safe so that they can keep their valuables safely. Only the manager of the company has access to this safe.

If the client does not wish to benefit from this service, he certifies that he has taken out civil liability insurance to cover any damage that may be caused in the establishment during the period of his stay insofar as the liability of the establishment cannot be held liable in the event of deterioration or theft of the said goods.

The Customer is responsible for all damage caused by himself and undertakes, in the event of deterioration of the premises made available, to bear the costs of restoring these premises. Under no circumstances can the establishment be held liable for damage of any kind whatsoever, in particular fire or theft, likely to affect the objects or materials deposited by the Customer during the accommodation.

Similarly, any damage caused having the effect of delaying the next reservation, will be the subject of a financial commitment on the part of the person responsible for this inconvenience, up to the costs spent by the Host in order to ensure an amicable agreement with the customers concerned by the delay in the date of their reservation.

Also, any package, package delivered to the hotel before and during accommodation may be received by the hotel, but the latter cannot be held responsible for any incident, any deterioration, number of incorrect packages, damaged packages, any delivery problem. The Customer undertakes in the event of a problem to contact the supplier or the carrier directly.

 Finally, the Customer and its insurers waive all recourse against the hotel, its staff and its insurers for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the total or partial destruction of all materials, movable objects, fittings, any valuables, goods, as well as the deprivation or disturbance of use of the premises.


Pets are not allowed in the chalet. Any Customer who arrives accompanied by an animal will be refused access to the chalet and the cancellation conditions of the cancellation section will be applied to them.


Chamonix Cottage has a restaurant license for the sale of alcohol. Access to the wine cellar will then be reserved only for Customers booking the services of a chef during their stay.

The consumption of wines and other alcohols below 18° belonging to the cellar of the chalet will then be done exclusively during meals.

Payment for alcohol consumed will be made on the day of departure, by credit card or cash at the applicable rate.


It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the chalet in accordance with the law of January 2, 2008.


The responsibility of the Hotel Chamonix Cottage cannot be sought in the event of changes to the structure of any kind whatsoever: transfer of establishment, closure of establishment.

The photos presented on the website are not contractual. Even if all the best efforts are made so that the photographs, graphic representations and the texts reproduced to illustrate the Hotel, give as exact an overview as possible of the accommodation services offered, variations may occur, in particular due to the change of furniture or possible renovations. The Customer cannot claim any claim as a result.

The Hotel will not incur any liability for any consequential damages as a result of these presents, in particular operating loss, acts of third parties, acts of the Customer or acts of its partners.


The obligations contained herein will not be applicable or will be suspended if their execution has become impossible due to a case of natural disaster such as in particular: act of public power, hostilities, war, natural disaster, fire, flood, strikes without notice …The parties must make every effort to prevent or reduce the effects of non-performance of the contract caused by an event of an Act of God; the party wishing to invoke an event of an Act of God must immediately notify the other party of the beginning and the end of this event, otherwise it cannot be relieved of its liability.


These T&Cs may be modified at any time. In this case, the Hotel will send the modifications to the Customer before the start of the services. Therefore, the new version of the GCS will apply to the relations between the parties.


The invalidity of one or more articles of these T&Cs will not invalidate all of them. All the other stipulations of the present will remain applicable and will produce all their effects.


In the event of a dispute, claim or disagreement on part of the invoice, the Customer undertakes to pay the undisputed part without delay and to indicate in writing to the establishment concerned the reason and the amount of the dispute, within a period of 7 days from the date of the end of the accommodation. After this period, the service and the invoicing are considered accepted and cannot give rise to any subsequent complaint by the Customer. In the event of a dispute, and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the competent courts will be those of the place of the registered office of the company operating the establishment.


Chamonix Cottage collects, processes and uses the Client’s personal data only if the latter has given his prior consent or if the legal provisions allow it. The Chamonix Cottage chalet collects, processes and uses only the data necessary for the operation of its services and the online portal and/or the services offered there.

Chalet Chamonix Cottage will not sell this data to third parties under any circumstances. The data is transferred to third parties only if this operation proves necessary in the context of reservations for other services to be provided by the Chalet Chamonix Cottage.

Detailed information on data privacy and the processing of personal data can be found in the data privacy notice.


The applicable law is French law.


All written communications between the parties (letters, notifications, email, etc.) must be sent for the Hotel to its postal or electronic address, and for the Customer to the postal or electronic address indicated in the reservation.